
This mentorship is not for the weak. Break your habitual dating patterns, build bulletproof boundaries, and redesign your life. I will help you make sense of your past, resolve your current relationship challenges, and provide uncomfortable real-time feedback to achieve your dating goals.

        Dating Mentorship

Dating Mentorship

ready for

Let's get started



tough love

I Understand What It’s Like...

to lie awake at night, gripped by anxiety over a distant partner's behavior, worrying that time is slipping away to find the right person, and questioning whether genuine love is just a fairy tale.

This program is crafted to equip you with the essential tools to guarantee love with someone who authentically and consistently shows up. Through candid feedback, I'll guide you in defining your relationship values and attracting a partner who aligns with your interests and values — someone who's not only attractive and confident but also naturally compatible. Together we will create clear guidelines for success that will liberate you from overthinking and boost your confidence like never before.

Finding Authentic Love is Possible For You

Discover how hundreds before you have forged the pathway to genuine companionship.

Unfortunately, this is how our modern society is, people will give you a false sense of security, and they will take advantage of your genuine effort.

 I designed this program to help you see through the mixed signals and confidently assert your needs in a way that builds attraction without compromising your authenticity.

phase one

Here, we will go over sections of your intake form, talk about your most urgent relationship challenges, and set the foundation for the rest of the program.



Roadmap of the Program

phase two

Review of all your past and current relationships. This helps us identify negative or limiting patterns of love. 

Relationship History


Uncovering Negative Patterns

phase three

Identify your biggest fears in dating and create new mindset shifts towards abundance and relationship success.

Limiting Beliefs


Fears Around LovE

phase four

Create a guide for finding your ideal partner based on your wants, needs, and non-negotiables



Identifying Your Relationship Values

phase five

Understand the fundamentals of boundaries, learn how to create them, review common pitfalls and successful examples, and develop your own personal set of boundaries.



Rules Around Love

phase six

Here we will explore your deepest insecurities and work to accept or change the parts of yourself you don’t love.

Shadow Work


Insecurities Work

phase seven

Understand the fundamentals of self-worth and identify areas where you can enhance how you value yourself in relationships. Additionally, we will clarify your purpose and establish goals to help you achieve it.



Building Self-Confidence


phase eight

Many clients choose to continue working with me beyond the core program. I offer support with communication, dating advice, and life coaching, including exercises to identify core values and more.

next level


Continued Transformation

Each program timeline will be customized based on your specific needs.

Mentorship Covers the Following Topics

program phases

Let’s Get to Work

Fill in an application and I will get back to you at my earliest convenience. I only work with individuals who are committed to being coachable and are determined to make lasting changes. If that is you, what are you waiting for? 

Ready to Build Genuine Self-Confidence and Find the Love You Deserve? 

No Bullshit 1:1 Dating Mentorship Program

Welcome to my

When Jessica walked through my door she was months into her situationship, one of her first encounters with dating after her divorce. At work, she was a rockstar, but when it came to this relationship she felt hopeless. She was the unofficial friend with benefits regulated to inconsistent communication and booty calls. She always advocated that their connection was special and knew she wanted more, but couldn’t find the right way to get his undivided attention.

Here is Jessica’s Story

We overcame the guilt of her toxic past, corrected her poor boundaries, strengthened her communication, and empowered her to speak up. She gave him an option, it was time to step up or she was done, after a few days, he texted her that he wasn’t ready. It was hard as fuck, but she held her ground. Months later they reconnected, but this time it was different, she leaned into her worthiness, and she no longer lived in fear of his lack of commitment. On her flight back from Greece, she noticed an unexpected shift in his energy, without force, he was reaching out more often and finally admitted to wanting something serious. Now on our calls, we laugh because they practically live together, she went from not knowing if she was getting a text back to wine nights in the hot tub. 

After Months of Work Everything Shifted

The program will take roughly 3-4 months to complete; you may extend coaching as necessary on a session-to-session basis after that.

The transformation endorsed in the program compounds over time, the more you invest the more tools I can give you.

There are no contracts or cancellation fees, you pay as you go and I will always honor the amount paid.

I am 100% committed to the process as long as you show up.

I only accept people who are ready to do the deep work and I have the right to deny service to those not willing to put in the effort required for change.

Sessions are NOT recorded and there is no limit to the details discussed for ultimate vulnerability and true transformation.


Additional Program Details


This is for Me

is this mentorship for you?

this is not for you if...

this is for you if...

You are unwilling to examine the uncomfortable pieces of yourself and face discomfort for the sake of personal development

You constantly blame others or the outside world for your dating challenges

You are seeking a quick fix or a magic solution and struggle to immerse yourself in projects

You are not willing to make significant adjustments to your mindset and behaviors

You’re open to receiving and applying constructive criticism because I am not going to hold back the uncomfortable truth

You’re ready to build self-esteem the right way and not the easy way

You are willing to take responsibility for your actions and recognize the role you played in your past relationships

You are committed to making significant changes to your mindset and behavior

at the end of the day...

This program comes down to take absolute accountability, it is about taking full responsibility for your shit and putting in the work to fix it. Fixing it requires brutal honesty and a commitment to making changes that are going to be uncomfortable. In the end it will be incredibly rewarding if you can commit yourself to the process.

More Words From Others Before You

mentorship benefits

what you can expect

Break the cycle of dating emotionally unavailable partners

Let go of past partners or attachments for good

Establish Healthy Boundaries & Standards to create lasting attraction

Master Your Emotional Triggers, Anxiety and Overthinking

I'm ready

Gain clarity over a situationship, mixed signals, or red flags

Overcome insecurities and other self-sabotaging and limiting behaviors

not sure you're ready to invest?

Listen to the podcast for more insight into my uncomfortable honesty

more info

"It's the straightforward approach that cuts through the fog."

Listen. Process. Implement. We all need a bit of guidance and light being shed on situations that might or might not be overlooked so make sure to be open to the advice and really be receptive. It's the straightforward approach that cuts through the fog and goes a long way towards working on what clouds your thoughts.

- alex prieto


Chris helped me through a very difficult relationship I was in and gave me really honest advice. He was able to give a different perspective to my situation, while uplifting and helping me build my confidence back up. He is really thoughtful in his responses and puts the time into understanding your unique situation and helping you navigate through it. It was truly life changing and I cannot thank Chris enough for all his help!!

- Elizabeth Parker


Chris’ ability to put thoughts into words is remarkable! He makes explaining how women/men think and WHY so much easier to understand! Especially in this modern & social media driven world. He really helps me with processing how to handle a relationship or relationship issue based on the knowledge he provides about the opposite sex. Thank you for all your help so far Chris, can’t wait for more!

- Brielle Smith

What's Included:

Each session is pay-as-you-go, and you decide how often we meet. You'll also get unlimited texting support, as long as you stay active with your sessions. No upfront commitment, no contracts, and no hidden fees.

Weekly or Bi-Weekly


Program Details

50-minute coaching session

Unlimited Texting Support Between Calls

Action Items Each Session

Sunday Voice Note Check In

mentorship investment

Text coaching is designed to keep you accountable, provide an outlet for venting and updates, and offer on-the-fly coaching. I strive to respond to your messages promptly, within 24 hours or less during regular business hours. This service is ideal for additional support during the dating process, such as interpreting text messages, communicating effectively, or determining the best course of action in a situation. Many people also use it to cope with overthinking and anxiety during difficult times.

How does the texting support work?

Each session will start by discussing your current dating situation and reviewing the application of that week's action items. The second half of the call will be devoted to completing the program exercises.

How are sessions typically run?

Every Sunday, I will send you a voice note check-in, reviewing the action items we discussed, offering additional coaching tips, and providing actionable next steps for continued learning. I will also outline what we will be working on in the next session.

What is the Sunday Check-In?

Many of my clients are deeply committed to personal growth and regularly engage with therapists. These clients have experienced remarkable progress. My coaching differs from therapy in that it offers a straightforward approach to tackling your dating challenges. My program is designed specifically to help you achieve genuine commitment and develop your truest self. I provide practical tools and skills that aren't typically covered in therapy sessions. Moreover, I have the flexibility to draw from my own life experiences, including discussing sensitive or unconventional topics that you may find uncomfortable to bring up in therapy or are deemed inappropriate.

I am already in therapy. will this affect the work I am doing there?

Once you're accepted into the program, you'll choose the package that suits you best. For instance, if you opt for the Monthly package, your first payment will be processed in full. You'll then schedule four sessions. After these sessions are booked, your subscription will automatically renew when you book your fifth session. You have the flexibility to decide not to renew for the following month, and there are no cancellation fees.

I use Stripe for payments, which offers Apple Pay, Card, or you can link your bank account.

How does payment work?

Monday 10:00AM - 6:00PM AZ

Tuesday 10:00AM - 11:00AM AZ

Wednesday 10:00AM - 11:00AM AZ

Thursday 10:00AM - 6:00PM AZ

Friday 10:00AM - 6:00PM AZ

Saturday 10:00AM - 4:00PM AZ

Sunday No Meetings (Reserved for Check-Ins)

What are your business hours?

How to Schedule (2 options):

Customized Scheduling: Each Sunday, my assistant will send you a Calendly link to schedule your session for the upcoming week. You can also use this link to book sessions in advance as needed.

Recurring Scheduling: Following your initial session, you may request to secure a consistent weekly time slot that suits you. My assistant will coordinate with you to reserve this specific time for all future weeks.

How does scheduling work?

You won't incur any cancellation fees, even if you need to reschedule individual sessions. If you're unable to meet one week, we can easily move your session to the following week. Consistency is key, but I understand that life happens, so I'm flexible with scheduling—just keep me informed so we can adjust accordingly.

What if I have to cancel a session or I can’t meet that week?

Yes, I work with anyone, including those outside the US. I can use WhatsApp to make calls with you.

Do you accept people outside of the US?